Identify Cause of SQL Server Blocking

I used the following dynamic management views (DMVs) for my query.
The following is the query, which I have written using these dynamic management views (DMVs) that will help you to quickly identify the SPIDs and other information about the processes that are causing the blocking on SQL Server instance. This query returns the comprehensive information about the blocking and waiting processes, which is useful for troubleshooting SQL Server locking and blocking issues. This query is also a good way to analyze detailed information about locks, and help you to identify the cause of a large number of blocks.
WITH [Blocking]
AS (SELECT w.[session_id]
 FROM [sys].[dm_os_waiting_tasks] w
 INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_exec_sessions] s ON w.[session_id] = s.[session_id]
 INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_exec_requests] r ON s.[session_id] = r.[session_id]
 CROSS APPLY [sys].[dm_exec_sql_text](r.[plan_handle]) q
 CROSS APPLY [sys].[dm_exec_query_plan](r.[plan_handle]) p
 WHERE w.[session_id] > 50
  AND w.[wait_type] NOT IN ('DBMIRROR_DBM_EVENT'
SELECT b.[session_id] AS [WaitingSessionID]
      ,b.[blocking_session_id] AS [BlockingSessionID]
      ,b.[login_name] AS [WaitingUserSessionLogin]
      ,s1.[login_name] AS [BlockingUserSessionLogin]
      ,b.[original_login_name] AS [WaitingUserConnectionLogin] 
      ,s1.[original_login_name] AS [BlockingSessionConnectionLogin]
      ,b.[wait_duration_ms] AS [WaitDuration]
      ,b.[wait_type] AS [WaitType]
      ,t.[request_mode] AS [WaitRequestMode]
      ,UPPER(b.[status]) AS [WaitingProcessStatus]
      ,UPPER(s1.[status]) AS [BlockingSessionStatus]
      ,b.[wait_resource] AS [WaitResource]
      ,t.[resource_type] AS [WaitResourceType]
      ,t.[resource_database_id] AS [WaitResourceDatabaseID]
      ,DB_NAME(t.[resource_database_id]) AS [WaitResourceDatabaseName]
      ,b.[resource_description] AS [WaitResourceDescription]
      ,b.[program_name] AS [WaitingSessionProgramName]
      ,s1.[program_name] AS [BlockingSessionProgramName]
      ,b.[host_name] AS [WaitingHost]
      ,s1.[host_name] AS [BlockingHost]
      ,b.[command] AS [WaitingCommandType]
      ,b.[text] AS [WaitingCommandText]
      ,b.[row_count] AS [WaitingCommandRowCount]
      ,b.[percent_complete] AS [WaitingCommandPercentComplete]
      ,b.[cpu_time] AS [WaitingCommandCPUTime]
      ,b.[total_elapsed_time] AS [WaitingCommandTotalElapsedTime]
      ,b.[reads] AS [WaitingCommandReads]
      ,b.[writes] AS [WaitingCommandWrites]
      ,b.[logical_reads] AS [WaitingCommandLogicalReads]
      ,b.[query_plan] AS [WaitingCommandQueryPlan]
      ,b.[plan_handle] AS [WaitingCommandPlanHandle]
FROM [Blocking] b
INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_exec_sessions] s1
ON b.[blocking_session_id] = s1.[session_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[dm_tran_locks] t
ON t.[request_session_id] = b.[session_id]
WHERE t.[request_status] = 'WAIT'

Sample Output

To examine the results of this query, run it on SQL Server where you are experiencing blocks. For example, when I executed this query on my test SQL Server where I'm deliberately running some code to cause blocking, it brings the following results (Note: To fit the resultset, I've split the resultset into seven images):

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